My Soul Chose You…

The Universe asked me if I could take some one with me

Who would that be?

My Soul Chose You…

But on this journey, you take only the parts of love

Because where we are going,

People only dream of.


You’ll need your adventurous spirit

to take on the world.

You’ll need your smile and your eyes

to communicate with humanity’s core.

You’ll need your love of animals

to strengthen compassion in others.

You’ll need to know and love yourself

to understand your sisters and brothers.


Pack only your blind faith and your presence

as a universal child.

Pack only emotions of confidence

to sooth ego’s aggressive style.

Pack your social ability to lead and direct

to serve.

Pack your wisdom and experiences

you’ll need them at every turn.


Hold tight to your heart

because it echoes your soul.

Throw away greed, lust, and your control.

Detach from other’s

comfort and expectations.

We no longer need those

of corruption and limitations.


For where we are going,

only the greatest Knew.

Sure, you miss the old, but remember

you are now true.

For where we are going is a Revelation

of twenty-two.

There’s a beautiful sense of worth and this earth

and within you.


Understand, I have grown

as much as I can

But you hold my perseverance

in your hand.

My weaknesses are your strengths,

and yours with mine.

You heard the call of unconditional love,

now is the time.


Now is the decision by Holy Grail’s design,

I found my expansion in your existence,

so did you find yours in mine?

Written by me 7/13/2016

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