Things I hope I taught my kids…

I sit here feeling gratitude for everything despite the upsets that have found it’s way through the cracks today. However big the obstacle, I have learned to question “Will this matter in a hundred years?” And it puts things into perspective of what really matters in life. I hope that I have taught my kids well in order to make this world better. Encouraged by my boyfriend, I decided to share what I feel helps to easy the struggles in life. So here they are:

Things I hope I’ve taught my kids:

1. Our job as people is to serve and grow toward unconditional love. But sometimes we do have to “show our teeth” when something is against love. 

2. Never lose yourself in the titles that people try place on you: mom, teacher, girlfriend… titles are just a general idea of people and not the depth You are as a person

3. Try not to judge or cause harm because the same judgement or harm You place on others will find its way back to you in life in some way: yourself, your kids, your family, or friends.

4. If You sit in the middle and make no decision (right or wrong) you never move and life will force you to decide because we all are always progressing. So even a reasonable bad decision is movement toward a lesson learned.

5. If some one doesn’t like you or accept you because of something they may lose (another friendship, status), walk away because life has a way of not allowing more suffering than what is needed for you to learn. Don’t fight upstream. 

6. Don’t be afraid to say no if something doesn’t feel right, and don’t be afraid to say yes if something excites you.

7. Boredom breeds creativity and intuition. Learn to be able to sit alone and learn who you are so that if you saw yourself in another body, you would know that was you. 

8. Always take time during the day for heartfelt prayer, meditation, or soulful growth. I promise it’s worth it. 

9. If you make a mistake and a person uses that mistake to justify not liking you anymore, they subconsciously didn’t like you anyway. Mistakes are sometimes life’s way of removing that which does not serve you.

10. Love is not measurable nor is it a thing. It is a state of being. Be love and show love. You can love many and it doesn’t disappear just because a person loves another nor does it disappear with distance.

11. Success is always in the definition YOU make it into. Follow your calling which is connected to your heart. You’re the only one that can hear it.

12. The only promise in life is unconditional love, so trust that everything in life is set up for you to learn unconditional love even in the darkness. Allow yourself time to heal and find your light. 

13. Remember you are always loved by those you see and those that you do not. Even your enemy will be used to teach love in some way. Trust without even a small doubt and be confident yet humble in yourself. Love yourself.

14. Always be grateful for everything. Say thank you to others and the creator. Be grateful of your struggles to learn and be grateful for your blessings. Never take for granted a moment, a person, job, or situation. It is all working for you because of the image your created in. 

15. Everyone is a guru in some way. Sometimes a stranger, a friend, a song may speak a random sentence that hits your soul even if the person is the complete opposite of you in every way. The universe uses all people and situations to speak to you and will never give up, but you have to listen. 

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