She knows…

The flashes spark in my minds eye
I hear her laughter

I see she’s happy with our goodbye

At least it looks that way
However I feel her tears

When no ones watching her

It’s a glimpse of the present so shear

Illusive as if she knows I’m here
Can she do the same as me?

Does she have the same flashes?

The same connection to see

Through my shell and directly at my soul
Is it the nightmare that she went through

Holding in all her knowledge

In fear that insanity would be her que

I would mock her with my silent lies
Does she feel the fire of anger

When I see her in his bed

Their tight embrace is our danger

I lose my ability to breathe
Does she hear me when I say her name?

Did she see me with the others?

Did she hear my thoughts in my brain

Was this her curse when we were together
How could she not tell me?

She heard my thoughts

She felt my emotions

She was truly my other half.
I let her go

I let her walk away

She found another to heal her out of the low

Why did I do this?
Am I a ghost always following her in moments

The way she is in mine

I have to make it make sense

My soul screams her name
My life breathes only her existence

My heart swells outward to reach her

I can’t fight this presence

It’s stripping my world apart
If she can hear me

If she can feel me

How can she be so happy?

So content with her soul purpose diminishing
How can she sleep with the nightmares

The anger rising and the hurt

Suffocating my life with a wound so bare

You can smell in each breathe
Does she feel me shake with fear?

Sweat from the mirror she reflects back

I see what darkness I hid so near

Did she see that? What did I do to her?
She was suffering this massively

But never spoke of it

Only in her eyes so drastically

I thought it was desperation or despair
It was because she knew

She knew I was with others

She knew I lied and covered what was true

I loved her and running I realize now
She always knew and allowed me to go

Serving her purpose until

I completely left her alone with my no

I destroyed her faith in loving me
I want her back to sit and talk

I want that moment when she saw me

She ran across the room and jumped

Into my arms with such intensity
I want the funny messages and her smile

I want those moments of adventure

When her face was outlined by the clouds

I scream, “I love you” from miles away
Did she hear it? Or am I just imaging?

Maybe she will hear it…

Maybe she will leave a sign of her feelings…

In a poem so I will know…

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