Save Them All

I prayed for him when I saw his eyes.

The soul whispered “go to him”

Save him.

So I did.


I hid with him behind his own walls.

The soul whispered “defend him”

Beside him.

So I stood.


Caged in his love for his daughter

The enemy ran her fingers across the bars

Hissed at his every move right or left

Loudly, the lies and questions echoed in people’s hearts.


I cradled him when those that he loved deeply turned.

The soul whispered “Use your sword and take him to safety”

Scared and hesitant, I swung.

So I sheltered him from the debris


I loved him as he cried feeling betrayed.

The soul whispered “It’s time to fight”

In front of him.

I prepared to fight.


Burned sword in hand from the Michelangelo’s fire,

I deterred blow after blow as the enemy tried to hurt all of my family.

Streams of sapphire blue frightened the enemy.

Beautifully, my love placed the crown on my head.


I blessed the enemy and her followers before I began.

The soul whispered, “open their hearts”

In Love.

So, I served.


I shielded him as their hate spread to others..

The soul whispered, “Forgive them for they do not know”

In front of them.

I forgave.


Freed from Karma and Called by Love,

I saw they had never known an ego-less fight.

Loved, I watched them scurry for conditions to blame,

As I placed the ancient rites on their confused darkened souls.


I saved him from the noose that quieten his voice.

I stood and turned his cage into a palace.

I sheltered him from the reign of jealously.

I fought with a pure heart of peaceful intent.

I served something greater than others accept.

I forgave as their hearts healed from change and acceptance.


The song of who I am has begun to show in their hatred between their words.

Their eyes became covered in blindness,

Their hair fell out with every ego filled movement which kept them crying at night

Their legs swollen in their inability to stand

They lost the same acceptance they denied– a part of themselves.

My heart felt for them all, but I can’t interfere with expanding soul.


I sit with my ancient song playing over and over as they watch who I am:

“Praise be to Love my rock,

who trains my hands for war,

my fingers for battle.

It is my Love and my fortress,

my stronghold and my deliverer,

my shield, in whom I take refuge…

They are like a breath;

their days are like a fleeting shadow.

Part your heaven, Love, and come down;

touch the mountains, so that they smoke.

Send forth lightning and scatter the enemy’

shoot your arrows and rout them.

Reach down your hand from on high;

deliver me and rescue me

from the mighty waters,

from the hands of foreigners

whose mouths are full of lies…

to the One who gives victory to kings,

who delivers his servant David.

From the deadly sword…

rescue me from the hands of foreigners

whose mouths are full of lies,

whose right hands are deceitful….

There will be no breaching of walls,

no going into captivity,

no cry of distress in our streets.

Blessed are the people of whom this is true;

blessed are the people whose God is Love”






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